A late payment FINANCE CHARGE of 1 1/2% per month will be added on any balance 30 days or more past due (Annual Percentage is 18%)

The late charge is computed and accumulated daily based on the monthly rate divided by 30 days. The current late charge is not applied to previous late charges and is not charged on items in dispute. Your statement shows the number of days used to calculate the late charge, the amount of the late charge itself and the average daily balance.

NSF Fees:
Fees will be applied to all forms of payment that are declined by an institution for insufficient funds.


This is a summary of your right's; a full statement of your rights and the creditor's responsibilities under the Federal Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) will be sent to you both upon and in response to a billing error inquire.

Send your inquiry in writing by registered or certified mail on a separate sheet so that we receive it within 30 days after the statement was mailed to you. Your written inquiry must include:

  1. Your name and account number
  2. A description of the error and why (to the extent you can explain) you believe it is an error
  3. The dollar amount of the suspected error.

Within 90 days we will mail a written notice stating that the amount believed to be in error has been corrected or send a written notice stating for the reasons why we believe the account was correctly shown in the statement. During this time, we may not take any action to collect disputed amounts or report disputed amounts as delinquent. You remain obligated to pay the parts of your bill not in dispute.